About Sistry Foundation

SISTRY FOUNDATION is a non-political, non-communal, non-profit making and non- Governmental organization, the main objective of which is to cause socio-economic empowerment of the poor and marginalized with a prime focus on the distressed and downtrodden Women and Children. SISTRY FOUNDATION actually started with the joint effects of some enthusiastic youth (boy & girls) by organizing game & sport and some cultural program since 2008. This was temporary programme & seasonal basis with the gradual Expansion of its games, sport and cultural wings this organization group feels to build a permanent youth club & for this purpose they came forward & convene a meeting for this purpose. All of them healthily accepted the noble proposal of the Founder Group.

Our Vision

SISTRY Foundation visualizes a world where all human beingsirrespective of caste

, creed, religion and gender live peacefully in an eco-friendly manner with

friendship and fraternity to each other and with love for nature without

doing any harms to nature and animals. In this society there will gender

disparity and there will be no violence against women and girls.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enlighten and empower the Dalits,Tribals and other downtrodden segment of the society and cause sustainable development to them through interventions on awareness generation,  education, livelihood promotion, agricultural development with the prime focus on the distressed women who are victims of different forms of violence. The main purpose of the organization is to end all forms of violences against women and girls.
