About SISTRY Foundation


Who We Are:-

            Sistry Foundation is a non-communal, non- political and non-profit making NGO at the state level. Sistry Foundation is committed towards the all-round and sustainable development of the vulnerable and marginalized segment of the society with a prime focus on the poverty-stricken farmers and farm women, distressed women and children belonging to tribal, dalits and minority communities. Sistry Foundation mainly works for the empowerment and sustainable development of the marginal farmers and farm women and sharecroppers through sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture in backward villages in Purba Bardhaman, Nadia, Paschim Bardhaman districts in West Bengal. The main activities of the foundation include but are not limited to sustainable agricultural development through transfer of  need-based, result-oriented and climate friendly agro technologies among the marginal farmers and farm women, promotion of FFG and farmers producers company, development of seed bank of improved indigenous variety of crops, agricultural marketing, promotion of organic farming among the farmers and farm women, women’s rights, gender equality, livelihood promotion through skill development, environmental protection programme, disaster management and emergency relief programme.

Our Origin / Genesis:-

             The genesis of the organization dates back to 2009. A group of village educated youth form the farmers’ families were moved to see the pitiable condition of the poor farmers, marginal farmers and farm women and sharecroppers in remote rural areas in Purba Bardhaman district in West Bengal. The marginal farmers and farm women and sharecroppers used to cultivate in a traditional way. They had no idea about scientific system of agriculture. As they were not organized they were under the exploitational clutches of middle men. They did not get fair and remunerative prices for their agricultural produce. The agricultural productivity was very less leading to very low income of the farmers. Consequently, the farmers used to live in crushing poverty being denied all the basic needs of life. As the farmers had no idea about organic farming they used chemical fertilizers and insecticide on an unrestrained way resulting in environmental pollution. The cost of cultivation was also very high leading to very low returns from agricultural produce. A group of educated youth of the locality got united under the leadership of a brilliant young man named Tarun Kumar Ray and they felt a genuine urge to change the scenario. It was not an easy task. They faced different odds and impediments. But no obstacle could dissuade the band of dedicated youth. Their commitment was translated into action with the establishment of Sistry Foundation in the year 2009. The organization was later registered under Indian Trust Act on 27.09.2009. It was a humble beginning. With the onward march of time   the seedling which was planted 14 years’ back has been turned into a banyan tree.

Our Legal Status:-

  • Registered under Indian Trust ACT vide Registration no. 03543/2009 Dated- 29.07.2009.
  • Registered under Foreign contribution Regulation ACT, Govt. Of India vide FCRA registration no. 147060123 Dated: 07-11-2016.
  • The organization is qualified to get Tax exemption u/s 12A and 80 G of IT ACT, 1961.
  • Registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. Of India vide CSR activities and the Registration number is CSR00010366 Dated: 30-06-2021.

Management of the Organization:-

          The organization is managed by a Trust consisting of following 5 members. All the important decisions of the organization are unanimously taken in the meeting of the trust. The details of the trust members are given below:-

Serial No.


Male / Female



Tarun Kumar Ray


Executive Director


Asim Debnath




Rajib Sheikh


Financial Director


Babulal Debnath




Apurba Nath




Financial Management:-

             Financial transparency is the key motto of the Organization. The finances of the Organization are managed by 3 Accountant who are assisted by 1 Accounts Clerks. The accounts are maintained in accurate accounting standard through software tally. The accounts are regularly checked by internal Auditors. Every Year the accounts are audited by a Govt. registered Chartered Accountant. There is also a finance committee to monitor the accounts of the Organization. There are specific finance and purchase policies.

Financial Turn-over:-

In the last year the Financial turn-over of the organization was INR  55.42 Lakhs.