Our Mandates
- To organize the marginal farmers and share croppers through FFG and farmers Producers Company and save them from the exploitational clutches of the middlemen and give them bargaining power.
- To nourish and nurture the farmers producers company through capacity building training, awareness campaign, technology transfer, credit linkage training, market linkage training etc.
- To maximize the income level of the poor farmers by way of optimizing their production level through sustainable, eco-friendly and climate smart agriculture.
- To promote 100 % organic farming among the farmers.
- To sensitize the rural under-privileged women and young girls on their rights, gender justice, different laws protecting their rights and integrate them into the mainstream of society.
- To provide gainful employment to unemployed young boys and girls belonging to disadvantaged section through skill-formation in different market-oriented trades.
- To cause economic empowerment and self-reliance of the poor marginal farmers, farm women and share croppers through eco-friendly sustainable agriculture, micro-enterprise and establishment of a value-chain based marketing network.
- To organize the rural poor to achieve sustainable health through their behavioral changes towards maintaining health, hygiene and nutrition and give them support for both preventive and curative health for both communicable and non- communicable diseases.
- To stand by the calamity victims through emergency relief programme.
- To protect environment and ecology through environmental awareness and action programmes.