Our Objective
Children’s Welfare Programmers:
- To work for the welfare of the street Children.
- To implement various programs for the welfare of the physically & mentally handicapped children.
- To organize various programs for prevention of Child Labour.
- To setup orphanage House and to establish Creches for the poor & needy rural/slum children.
- To run children Library and to education school dropped out children through NFE System.
Rural Development Programs:
- To Implement Rural Sanitation Program
- To establish Village Library.
- To construct Low Cost House Latrines for the weaker of the society.
- Drinking Water arrangement for the society.
- Formation of Self Help Groups in rural areas.
- To implement the total Sanitation Camping Programs.
- To work under the centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of Rural Development, GOI such as NREGP, SGYS etc.
Educational Programs:
- To setup Non-Formal Education Centers.
- To setup adult Education Centers.
- To setup Children Libraries.
- To help the various Govt./Prevate Dept. for the development of literacy programs.
- To work under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
- To organize various pre-examination training’s programs for SC/OBC.
- To promote dropped out Girls link Education programs.
- To establish/run/manage schools to spread any or all types of education prevalent in modern India.
Environment Development:
- Conduction environment education training in the spheres of conservation of forests and wild life for rural peoples especially the youth.
- To work for maintenance and conservation of Bio-Diversity.
- Encouraging rural masses towards the use of alternate sources of energy like solar cooker, biogas, smokeless chullas and solar lamps to avoid environment pollution.
- To implement various projects related to forestry, tree plantation etc.
- To conduct the National Environment Awareness Program (NEAC) each year.
- To implement various Environment Education’s Projects in various schools.
Women & Girls Welfare Activities:
- To create employment opportunities for women and youth through vocational training facilities to trace out force of women /youth.
- To setup Working Women Hostels, Short Stay Homes and Swadhar centers for the women.
- To setup Training-cum-Production units for Women and marketing of products.
- Formation of Self-Help Groups for the poor women.
- To provide free legal literacy to women/girls.
- To organize various Awareness Generation Programs for women/girls.
- To provide free Sex Education to the Youth/Adolescents girls.
- To setup Women Helpline Programs.
- Women trafficking and Violence against domestic workers etc.
- To implement various other Women Empowerment related programs
Youth Welfare:
- To organize various vocational training courses for youth.
- To initiate and organize need oriented rural development program.
- To impart education and training on the basis of youth organization methods and practical.
- To organize various sports meets at Village, Block, District and State level.
- To establish Stadiums both in rural and urban areas for sports activities.
- To implement various Youth Empowerment & adolescent Development projects